Thursday May 8, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
Libraries can play a vital role in the privacy journeys of our patrons, but teaching privacy in an approachable way can be difficult! As library workers, we can incorporate privacy lessons into our programming in a way that recognizes both the comfort levels and tech literacy levels of our learners. Using Library Freedom Project's approach of teaching through a lens of optimism and harm reduction, Tess Wilson will share practical ways to teach our communities about online privacy, the risks involved with sharing personal data, and more. Attendees will learn good practices and techniques for teaching privacy, and leave with several bite-sized lessons--adaptable for a range of ages and audiences--to take back to their institutions.

Tess Wilson

Deputy Director, Library Freedom Project

Alison Macrina

Library Freedom Project
Thursday May 8, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am EDT

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