Thursday May 8, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
The pressure to generate unique, community-centered programming can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when juggling other job responsibilities. If you are feeling at sea on what programs to offer or are simply looking to explore uncharted waters, join us for an exciting 90 minutes of creativity. This fast-paced, highly interactive session includes several hands-on activities where participants think through the process of taking ideas to execution. Our sandbox environment grants participants the freedom and creativity to explore without the fears and anxieties of the real world, while still preparing for the unexpected.

Madelyn McCaully

Adult Services, Programs and Outreach, Enoch Pratt Free Library

Allie Smith

Adult Programming Specialist, Enoch Pratt Free Library
Thursday May 8, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm EDT

Attendees (1)

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