Thursday May 8, 2025 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT
Children of incarcerated parents face negative consequences, including behavior problems, poor academic performance, and PTSD. It is an unfortunate side effect of the criminal justice system that children often pay for their parents' transgressions. Research has shown that the most effective way to limit these consequences is ensuring that the child maintains a relationship with the parent who is incarcerated.

Incarceration affects lower-income families at a much higher rate than middle- or upper-income families, it can come down to the costs associated with maintaining connections. Phone and video calls are expensive, jails are typically in out of the way locations without access to public transportation, custodians might not be able to afford time off work to take children to jails during visiting hours. Even when children can visit their incarcerated parents, no-touch visitation makes maintaining those connections difficult.

It was with all of these factors in mind that we entered into a partnership with our county correctional center that we call the Storybook Program. We help incarcerated adults record picture books for the children in their lives. It offers a connection to the children that is accessible when they want or need it.
avatar for Karen Earp

Karen Earp

Youth Services Manager, Sarbanes Branch, Wicomico Public Library
Thursday May 8, 2025 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT

Attendees (1)

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