Thursday May 8, 2025 9:45am - 11:45am EDT
Everybody eats…so everyone needs agriculture. Come learn about free resources to connect learners to the world around them and how agriculture plays a part in their daily lives. You will learn how to identify agriculturally accurate books within your library and how to use them to engage and excite learners (of all ages). You’ll discover a multitude of books relating to a variety of agriculture-related topics (from seed to store and everything in between) along with how to access 100’s of FREE hands-on lessons, activities, & resources to increase reader learning and engagement.
avatar for Tonya Wible

Tonya Wible

Elementary Education Director, Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation
avatar for Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation

Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation

Middle School Education Director, Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation
MAEF is a nonprofit organization with programs serving pre-kindergarten through post-secondary audiences whose signature programs include “Infusing Ag in the Classroom” professional development courses for teachers; mobile science labs; and mobile agricultural showcases.
Thursday May 8, 2025 9:45am - 11:45am EDT

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