Thursday May 8, 2025 9:45am - 11:45am EDT
An accurate and equitable picture of underserved and marginalized communities and populations has taken on greater urgency in the face of climate change, social instability, and equity concerns. Don't get washed away in heavy seas of data, claims, and counter-claims; the Census Bureau's has created tools and resources to inform Americans where we are resilient, where we are unsteady, or where and when to plan, to commit resources, and where to advocate new solutions.
avatar for Carl Olson

Carl Olson

Librarian for Government Publications, Towson University
I have served as librarian for geography and government publications. I also have experience in copy editing and indexing for scholarly books and articles.

Stacie Cochran-McNeal

Data Dissemination Specialist, United States Census Bureau
Thursday May 8, 2025 9:45am - 11:45am EDT

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